With this knowledge you can configure your. Other emulators may use a different ip address for instance genymotion uses 10 0 3 2. The default android emulators use 10 0 2 2 for this communication instead of localhost.
The first thing is to understand that android has a special ip address to communicate and loop back to the host machine. However i believe i have to use a different uri when using an android emulator h p 10 0 2 2 which maps to the localhost of my development machine. To normally access the web api on localhost i can use the uri h p localhost port api where port is a port number assigned by visual studio when i start up the web api within visual studio.
If you are working on php mysql with your android app it s essential that you need to test your app for correct data before moving your database php files and android app to production. If you are using wamp server to test your php files locally android localhost connection and testing php in your mobile phone is easy. With the emulator open click more and then click settings and proxy.
If your emulator must access the internet through a proxy server you can configure a custom http proxy from the emulator s extended controls screen. The emulator transparently rewrites the get requests from the virtual device before talking to the proxy so it works. This solution only work with the emulator and not with your actual devices.
The bad news first. If you are using the emulator. The next two sections will describe solutions for making requests to your localhost server.
However this rather obvious choice does not work since localhost is the android emulator or the device itself. That should be it. However the ios simulator uses the host machine network.
Android emulator localhost. To connect from the android emulator to the application that we have running on your current machine you must give the appropriate ip address because android internally recognizes localhost 127 0 0 1 as the internal address of the loopback website. Instead of loc alhost 127 0 0 1 use 10 0 2 2 ip address. Mobile applications running in the ios simulator or android emulator can consume asp net core web services that are running locally and exposed over http as follows. Applications running in the ios simulator can connect to local http web services via your machines ip address or via the localhost hostname.
I m running a web service on my local machine that runs at localhost 54722. I want to call the service from an app running in the android emulator. I read that using 10 0 2 2 in the app would access localhost but it doesn t seem to work with the port number as well.
I read that using 10 0 2 2 in the app would access localhost but it doesn t seem to work with the port number as well. I want to call the service from an app running in the android emulator. I m running a web service on my local machine that runs at localhost 54722.
Applications running in the ios simulator can connect to local http web services via your machines ip address or via the localhost hostname. Mobile applications running in the ios simulator or android emulator can consume asp net core web services that are running locally and exposed over http as follows. Instead of loc alhost 127 0 0 1 use 10 0 2 2 ip address.
To connect from the android emulator to the application that we have running on your current machine you must give the appropriate ip address because android internally recognizes localhost 127 0 0 1 as the internal address of the loopback website.